Causes and Fixes: What to do when Coinbase is slow?
The Internet has been a great influence on the lifestyles we have today and imagine a refined tomorrow. When Internet usage started to spread, tons of businesses found their way into the online realm. And as time went by, we explored a lot of potential and so many ways that can be utilized for a better life.
A few years back, when crypto made its debut, we believe it is marked as the beginning of a new era where finances were digital and actually gained monetary value in the long run. With cryptocurrencies crawling the online platform, people came up with exchanges to help society with complex crypto investment decisions.
And Coinbase has been recognized as the best platform to do so because it offers a myriad of crypto choices and lets you in on the real-time market movements throughout the globe. The miracle of the Internet, right? There was a time when people couldn’t get signals to make phone calls and today you can connect to people around the world with a simple Internet connection.
However, that doesn’t mean there won’t be any glitches in your crypto experience with Coinbase. Thus, here, in this read, we’ll be discussing one of the many issues that users have been complaining about- “Coinbase is slow”.
Reading on, you’ll get a brief introduction of what Coinbase is all about along with the causes that lead you to experience slow Coinbase service and recommended ways to overcome the issue with minimum assistance. But if nothing seems to work, we’d suggest you go on and ask for help from the customer support team.
Finding answers to “why is Coinbase so slow”?
We have been noticing a ton of searches like- “what to do if there is a Coinbase glitch today?”, “how to fix Coinbase app is slow?”, or “how to overcome the Coinbase Pro is slow issue?”. So, this part of the read will help you understand all the causes leading up to the “Coinbase is slow” problem before we can tell you how you can fix it:
- The major reason is that Coinbase is associated with ACH Bank Transfers which usually take 3-5 working days to complete transactions.
- There might be network hindrances with the connection you use or there might be too much traffic on the blockchain that Coinbase uses.
- Servers on your network might either be busy or not working, which in return is interfering with letting your transaction go through.
How to get the “Coinbase is slow” issue fixed?
This part of the read will help you understand how can you get this issue of slow functioning fixed with Coinbase so let’s get on with it:
- Check if you are on a good reliable Internet network to ensure that it doesn’t interfere with your order transactions on the exchange.
- If the servers are down or it is about the ACH Bank Transfers, all you have to do is wait for the servers to start working and/or wait for Coinbase to fix it, and wait till the transaction goes through in its time.
The detailed read above has been carefully crafted to familiarize you with the Coinbase exchange, including details about the time when you think to yourself- is there a Coinbase Glitch today?
In the following sections, you got to learn all about the major causes that led you to the “Coinbase is slow” issue, which would further lead you to really understand these causes at their core, and then we walked you through the resolution measures that have proved to be very fitting in these situations.